Technical translation and the manufacturing industry

Category: Translation          Written by: Daqeeq          Date: 21 June 2022
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Technical translation and the manufacturing industry


What is technical translation?

Technical translation deals with material of technical nature that requires accuracy, precision and an understanding of the subject to be translated and its terminology in both the source and target languages. Examples of technical material include scientific content, software data, engineering plans, user manuals, technical specifications, product descriptions, operation guidelines and similar content.

Technical translation for manufacturers

Industries have always struggled with language barriers in a globalized age, but it is crucial for some industries to break these barriers if they aim to expand their business beyond borders. The manufacturing industry, which has been rapidly expanding into international markets, needs to provide its multinational workforce with critical information in multiple languages. Therefore, manufactures have to accurately translate their documents, such as safety instructions, manuals and training material into the language of the end user.


Significance of technical translation in the manufacturing industry

It is essential for the manufacturing industry to use technical translation services for the following reasons:
–   Many offshore workers in the manufacturing industry do not speak English:
For manufactures to survive in the competitive surroundings, they had to expand their business activity and target new markets and locations. However; the English proficiency rate among overseas manufacturing workers is low compared to other sectors.
–   The primary language of most manufacturing content is English:
A majority of English-speaking companies issue their manufacturing documents in English, which is normal for companies that conduct their activity in English-speaking countries; however, this can hinder their development and expansion into international markets.
–   Communication with non-English-speaking workforce:
Being a manufacturer working on developing your business internationally, you’ll need to ensure clear communication with your workers. Your non-English speaking workers need specialized translators to provide them with necessary instructions and information in their own language. It is crucial for your workforce to fully understand safety messages, quality control procedures, and regulations applicable in the relevant industry, so as to minimize safety risks, meet quality standards and ensure compliance with industry regulations.


Technical translation and marketing

Business-to-business marketing:
If you want to increase the demand on your products by other businesses, you do not only need to accurately translate your technical content, but also your marketing content. In the business-to-business environment, it is important to effectively communicate with your workers, customers and technical partners worldwide by using a skilled technical translation provider that is expert in the terminology of both the industry and the target language.


Business-to-customer marketing:

The first step manufacturers have to take when they attempt to grow and enter new markets overseas, is to build bridges and communicate with the target clients. In other industries, a non-technical translator can clearly deliver your business message, but things are different when working in the manufacturing industry. To ensure your business stands out from competitors, your message should focus on your products technical specifications that better suit the target customers, rather than focusing on the artistically crafting it.
For the above reasons, an increased demand on technical translation services is seen in the manufacturing industry.
Daqeeq, with its team of linguists specialized in various technical topics, is here to speak the language of your industry and convey your business message to new markets while ensuring the highest quality and accuracy of your content.



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