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Urdu Translation Services

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Urdu Translation Services

Urdu Translation Services

Urdu language belongs to the Indo-Aryan group within the Indo-European family of languages. Urdu is used as the first language by nearly 70 million people and as a second language by more than 100 million people, mainly in Pakistan and India. The Urdu language is an official language in Pakistan and an official state language in many parts of India and is used in Bangladesh where it is known as Bihari and Nepal. In Pakistan, the use of Urdu as a compulsory language in education has made it the bridging language between the many different local languages spoken in Pakistan.

Urdu is the language used in official documents, courts, education and in most businesses, which caused an increased demand for Urdu translation services for many people who are traveling or doing business in Urdu speaking countries or communities, especially that a significant group of Urdu speakers exist in the United Arab Emirates, the United Kingdom, and the United States as well.

Translating an Urdu content can seem challenging, because when you look at this language, you can see one primary challenge: Urdu is written in an adapted form of the Arabic script. This script is unique for this language, and the Urdu script is written from right to left which is a new type of calligraphy for different language speakers.

Therefore, several industries witnessed an increasing need for high-quality Urdu translation services to break into the Pakistani market and markets of surrounding countries, as this is key to expanding your business, diversifying your audience, and breaking down cross-cultural barriers.

Furthermore, the internet has transformed many businesses and professional Urdu translation services are shifting online. Daqeeq is a leader in next-gen, fast, and on-demand Urdu translation and localization solutions. Our services are done by 100% professional native linguists and specialized experts combined with the power of latest technologies. We provide high quality Urdu translations for medical, financial, legal, technology, technical and manufacturing industries.

It is always important to hire a translation agency with specific knowledge of your chosen industry, so that the specific industry expertise helps Urdu translators tailor their content perfectly and convey your message exactly as intended. At Daqeeq we ensue you get the best-in-class Urdu linguistic services that can cater to all your business localization requirements.

Using our AI powered translation and localization dashboard will allow to get your content instantly translated and you can simply download your document with the click of a button.